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Melbourne Cityscape

We find great NFP executives.

We specialise in searches for CEOs,

C-Suite and senior Fundraising professionals.

We recruit great not-for-profit professionals.

Mayers Recruitment Pty Ltd specialises in searches for CEO, executive leadership positions and philanthropy professionals. That’s what we do!  Let us put our expertise to work for you. Contact us for a no-obligations consultation about your needs. We can help you find outstanding NFP leaders. We guarantee it.

Industries we serve
  • Health

  • Aged Care

  • Disability

  • Education

  • The Arts

  • Community

  • Philanthropy

  • Professional Associations

Mayers Recruitment Pty Ltd

PO Box 1231



Tel: 0412 104 096 - Philip Mayers AM or 0425 771 500 - Rick Mayers

© 2019 Mayers Recruitment

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